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<span class="user-name "><span class="user-name__text">Patricia Shute</span></span>

Patricia Shute
Nurse Practitioner

Berlin, NH


Family, Women's Health


Professional Achievements:
I am seen in my group as a resource and someone with enough clinical experience to be asked my advice and opinion on different matters.
Favorite Thing About My Profession:
The freedom to see who ever walks in the door, no matter their age or gender. being able to be a nurse who cares and can help people in different ways everyday.
Honesty. loyalty, strong patient advocate, thoroughness and willingness to find answers to questions

Work History

Coos County Family Health in Berlin, NH
Family Nurse Practitioner — November, 2004 to present

Education History

Ohio Wesleyan University
September, 1980 to May, 1985

University of Pennsylvania
September, 1992 to December, 1993

University of New Hampshire
September, 2002 to June, 2004
