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<span class="user-name "><span class="user-name__text">Venifa White</span></span>

Venifa White

Quincy, MA


Family, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Women's Health

Clinical Subspecialties



Professional Achievements:

Provide mentorship  in a variety of clinical environments: 

Received several accomodataions for my interpersonal & patient teaching skills

Recognition for my professionalism, dedication and leadership qualities

Commenorated for my strive for excellence while delivering quality care: 

Favorite Thing About My Profession:

I enjoy being in the medical profession. My favorite thing about my profession is the continuous interaction of a variety of people.  As a nurse practitioner I interact with my colleagues; patients; and variety of professionals from multiple disciplines.  Nurses practitioners are constantly learning and growing as a person and a professional.  I am so happy with my choice to become a nurse.


I chose nursing because of my virtues. I believe in taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves; regardless of who they are or where they come from.  It is very important to me to treat everyone with the dignity and respect they deserve; especially during the most vulnerable moments in their lives.  People come to us for guidance; support; and empathy while battling a variety of physical, emotioanl, and mental issues. Our worki is rewarding; challenging; and imperative to the health of those we serve. I think the most important thing for a health care professional to remember is to treat and care for people the same way you would want someone to treat and care for you.

Work History

Fresenius Medical Center in Roxbury Crossing, MA
Case Manager — February, 2011 to present

Education History

Regis College
September, 2012 to August, 2015
