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<span class="user-name "><span class="user-name__text">Danielle Pare</span></span>

Danielle Pare

Port Orange, FL


Family, Adult, Gerontological

Clinical Subspecialties

Neurology, Oncology, Pain Management, Gastroenterology


Professional Achievements:

Neuro-grand rounds presentation for CME credits for attendees. NIHSS certified for 5+ years, acted as a tutor and lab assistant while in school. Graduated with honors both BSN and MSN

Favorite Thing About My Profession:

Making connections with patients and families, making a difference large or small, educating patients and empowering patients to become and active participant in their own health care.


Passionate, honest, fair, understanding, and non-judgmental both in my professional and personal life.

Education History

Maryville University
January, 2016 to December, 2018

Millikin University
August, 2011 to December, 2014


Professional Contacts