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<span class="user-name "><span class="user-name__text">Angela Galante</span></span>

Angela Galante
FNP Student

Phoenix, AZ




Favorite Thing About My Profession:

I enjoy the challenge of continued learning. 

  • Attentiveness. When dealing with a patient's health, it is essential to be attentive to what they tell you and what you see on the exam
  • Compassion. Having compassion is not just a quality that you should have as a nurse. It is also one of the most critical nurse practitioner qualities. Nurses and nurse practitioners are the most trusted professionals because of their compassion.
  • Integrity. The nursing profession is the most trusted profession, and integrity is among the nurse practitioner characteristics that help build patient-provider trust.
  • Competence. When you manage a patient’s healthcare, you must be skilled in your practice. If you aren’t proficient, you can put your patient and your health and safety at risk.
  • Communication. 
  • Optimism. The world of healthcare can be a very negative place, but being optimistic for your patients is integral to a good provider-patient relationship. 
  • Empathy. Having empathy is an integral factor in building a trusting patient-provider relationship. 

Education History

Grand Canyon University
January, 2021


Professional Contacts