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<span class="user-name "><span class="user-name__text">Alex Swanson</span></span>

Alex Swanson
OPUL Platform Specialist



Acute Care, Adult, Family, Gerontological, Neonatal, Oncology, Pediatric, Psychiatric / Mental Health, Women's Health

Clinical Subspecialties

Anesthesia, Dermatology, Oncology, Other


Favorite Thing About My Profession:

OPUL is the first-of-its-kind Relational Commerce platform designed specifically for aesthetic and medical practices to engage with their clients and members. OPUL is a free platform that practices bring on from both a cost savings and practice performance solution with its 1.99% flat processing rate to the tracking ability of profit and revenue margins. OPUL is completely free meaning no contracts, no startup/cancellation fees, no monthly or annual costs of any kinds, and comes with free clover mini checkout terminals. OPUL will be able to track the progress of your practice performance around identifying client trends, client purchasing habits, frequency, and margins of all products, services, staff members, and promotions. 


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