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<span class="user-name "><span class="user-name__text">Julie Starr</span></span>

Julie Starr

Columbia, MO


Women's Health

Clinical Subspecialties

Pain Management, Urology


Professional Achievements:

National and International speaker on topics related to pelvic floor dysfunction in women. Also pursuing my doctoral degree which will hopefully be complete by 2015.

Favorite Thing About My Profession:
Helping women overcome symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction and resuming more active lifestyles.
Ongoing effort to help patients get the necessary care despite the hurdles set forth by insurance and the University of Missouri health system.

Work History

Center for Female Continence and Advanced Pelvic Surgery in Columbia, MO
FNP, PhD — December, 2008 to present

Education History

University of Missouri
May, 2012 to May, 2017


Professional Contacts