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<span class="user-name "><span class="user-name__text">Sarah Wolf</span></span>

Sarah Wolf





Favorite Thing About My Profession:

There are 2 things about being a Nurse Practitioner that I love the most.  The 1st is having the opportunity to connect with my patient on their level.  The connection in the moment is the initial building block of the patient -provider relationship.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to make that personal connection and help my patient become open to expressing their needs.  The 2nd thing is having an opportunity to educate my patient in the moment.  After learning about their personal needs.  Teaching on a basic level and seeing the "aha moment".   It is so important to educate our patients when possible.  I love hearing a patients joy when they understand their health care needs on a simplified level than makes sense to them.  

Work History

Cleveland Clinic Martin Health
Family Nurse Practitioner — present

Education History

Florida Atlantic University
January, 2013 to May, 2016
