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<span class="user-name "><span class="user-name__text">Jaclene Raymond</span></span>

Jaclene Raymond
Registered Nurse, WHNP student

Northfield, NH


Women's Health


Favorite Thing About My Profession:
I am a Women's Health Nurse Practitioner student at Boston College and will be graduating in May. Currently, I work at Mass General Hospital as a postpartum nurse. Before pursuing a career in postpartum nursing, I worked as a nurse on a medical-surgical floor at Lakes Region General Hospital. I am extremely passionate about women's health nursing. I love following women through the lifespan and advocating for their health. I firmly believe in the importance of yearly GYN exams and having a trusting relationship with your provider. I enjoy working with the adolescent population and educating them about birth control and the risks associated with STI's.