Preceptors are in High Demand

Get listed to support your future colleagues

Preceptor Directory Listing

Students are Searching

Thousands of students use ENP Network daily to search for the perfect preceptorship. Get listed to support your future colleagues and make a difference in healthcare delivery.

Streamlined Process

List your preceptorship details in less than two minutes and easily manage notification settings.

Secure and Trustworthy

Our platform promotes secure communication between students and preceptors without exposing sensitive contact information.

Award Winning Innovative Platform

Join the largest and fastest growing nurse practitioner preceptor directory on the internet to support your future colleagues.

Why Offer a Preceptorship?

As the demand for access to high quality and cost effective care increases, so does the demand for nurse practitioners. The role of the preceptor has always been an essential component of career development in the transition to advanced practice.

Now is the time to take action and ensure that your new colleagues get the proper clinical experience and mentoring from a high quality source. You!

Ready to offer a preceptorship?